How to reach Pandharpur

Pandharpur town comes into Solapur district in Maharastra. Pandharpur is very well connected with railway and bus network across India so that people can easily reach Pandharpur temple and take darshan of Lord Shri Vitthal Rukhmini.
In Hindu ancient text it is mentioned that the Vitthal is an incarnation of Shri Vishnu and Shri Tirupati Balaji so a lot of people also visit from South India. For more information please visit Story of Vitthal in Marathi and English
The distance from Solapur to Pandhapur is 75 km. There are many buses from Solapur to reach Pandharpur and for train schedule, you can visit at Solapur to Pandharpur trains
How to travel from Pune to Pandharpur and back
The distance from Pune to Pandharpur is 230 km by road. You can take either road or railway to reach Pandharpur. There are around 15 to 20 trains running between Pune and Pandharpur and back.
You will get the latest train schedule at India Rail info
How to travel from Solapur to Pandharpur and back
The distance from Solapur to Pandharpur is 75 km by road. The frequency of buses is much higher than trains from Solapur to Pandharpur. There are few trains connecting to Pandharpur from Solapur and back.
You will get the latest train schedule at India Rail info
Railway station at Pandharpur
There is railway station at Pandharpur which is well connected across Maharastra and Karnataka.
There are trains from Kolhapur, Miraj, Nagpur and even connecting trains from Pune, Mumbai and even from Hubali, Bangalore and other southern parts of India. If you are planning to travel by train then you will definitely get either direct or connecting train to Pandharpur. Kurdwadi is also major junction which connected to southern railways. Kurdwadi is 50 km from Pandharpur which again connected with rail and road to Pandharpur.
Nearest Airport to Pandharpur
The nearest Airport to Pandharpur is Pune. The road distance from Pune to Pandharpur is 220 km but the travel time is approximately 5 hours by bus due to a single road and if you have a private vehicle then it will be earlier.
There are even lot of trains Pune and Mumbai to Kurudwadi (Pandharpur is 50 km from Kurudwadi).
Travel from Mumbai and other parts of India
As mentioned earlier Pandharpur is well connected to India so there are various daily buses and trains from Mumbai, Nagpur and other parts of India and other places of Maharastra.
Travelling from Karnataka and South of India to Pandharpur
There are various trains running from south of India or Karnataka. The nearest city of Karnataka is Belgaum to connect to Pandharpur or some people from Karnataka travel to Solapur and then Pandharpur.