How to reach at Shri Saint Balumama Temple in Adamapur

The samadhi place of Shri Sant Balaumama is in village named Admapur. The huge temple is constructed at this place. Adamapur comes in Kolhapur district in Maharashtra state. The distance from Kolhapur city to Adamapur is 50 kms.
A city Kolhapur is well connected by major cities in Maharashtra like Pune, Mumbai, Solapur, Nashik and many more. Adamapur is also from Karnataka cities like Belgaum, Hubli, Dharwad and Bangalore.
A city Kolhapur is also well connected by railway junctions from Maharashtra and Karnataka.
The contact number of kolhapur bus station – (0231) 2650620.
If you are coming from Karnataka then nearest city is Nipani. Nipani to Admapur is 25 kms and also it well connected to Belgaum. Belgaum is a district place and well connected by roadways and railway network in karnataka so it is easy to reach to Belgaum.
From Belgaum there are lot of buses moving through Nipani and distance is 80 kms.
Though Admapur is a rural place, it is extensively connected to various roadways and also roads are good so most of the people travel through private vehicle to reach this place.